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Robot arm punches human to obey Asimov's rules

ISAAC ASIMOV would probably have been horrified at the experiments under way in a robotics lab in Slovenia. There, a powerful robot has been hitting people over and over again in a bid to induce anything from mild to unbearable...

Category: Robotics


Nasa tests robot hardware for planet missions

"Nasa is testing the next generation of human spaceflight technology in the deserts of Arizona, US."

Category: Space, Robotics


MoD lifts lid on unmanned combat plane prototype

The Ministry of Defence has unveiled its prototype unmanned combat air vehicle (UCAV).

Category: Weapons, Robotics


Smart clothes offer emotional aid

Smart clothes could soon be helping their wearers cope with the stresses of modern life.

Category: Robotics


Robot-inflicted injuries studied

"A future in which robots help around the home could prove harmful to humans, suggests a study."

Category: Robotics

Displaying results 26 to 30 out of 132